Sunday, January 13, 2008

Jan 13-19 Sabbath Reflection

Greetings fellow Sabbathers,

The reading I chose for this week is attributed to Archbishop Oscar Romero called A Future Not Our Own.  I hadn't seen this until a few months ago and when I read it for the first time it really hit me...this is what I do, I get so caught up in the 'details' of life and pastoral ministry that I forget that I can't do it all, that everything doesn't depend on me.  If I truly take that to heart then I can honestly and with integrity 'own' my sabbath time.  To quote the the reading 'We cannot do everything, and there is a sense of liberation in realizing that.  This enables us to do something, and do it very well.'  If we each take a step back from running the world, take our sabbath time and rest then we can do all the somethings that allow God to be present in our lives and in our world.  It also helps if we surround ourselves with family and friends who can remind us that we aren't running the world, just planting seeds.  I think this applies especially to ministry with youth, sometimes we can get overwhelmed with the enormity of our task and feel like we have to be all things to all people to succeed...the wisdom offered by Archbishop Romero helps us to see that even if we don't see the end results God's grace is at work through us and in the lives of young people...

Happy Sabbathing!!

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