Monday, October 29, 2007

Do Not Worry...

Friends, be not dismayed if you have just started your sabbath practice. I must admit, this is my first week - so there I have publicly confessed to the world that I am just getting myself together, but this quote is in the front of my journal.

YOU can spend so much time fretting about the pst
And things that cannot be changed,
And worrying about the future
And things which may never happen,
That you lose the joy and fullness of the NOW!

The hardest part was actually starting, and once I started the time flew by, lighting the candle was a big step to marking the time. I actually thought I might fall asleep during my hour of sabbath time, but what ended up happening was I went back and read the scriptures from the weeks previously, and ended up thinking and journalling on them. My partner was making dinner in the other room, and he gave me space to do my hour of time, and even put up with my singing out loud. I did have a powerful experience, that as I was reading about Creation - I looked out of my window, and on what had been a very gray day in Naramata, BC - the clouds parted and the sun came out in just a small part - it was as if at that moment in time I was supposed to be just hangin' out with God, it felt like God saying - "It is Good". And so, I will continue, heading Karen's suggestion to plan ahead to do the Sabbath practice, and to write the names of those I am praying for on small rocks to carry with me to help me focus my prayer. Something deep within tells me amidst the noise an choices of life, we were made to do two things daily - exercise and worship/be intentional with God/pray - this practice is helping heed that call, and I hope that it will provide some room to "not worry". maya

1 comment:

Bleedsdaylight said...

Maya, I was able to visualize everything you describe in your post, and it helped me think more about how I am going to live this out. Thanks for your sharing.
